Dreams Really Do Come True!
Lindsay Walden

Lindsay is pictured here in her role as Snow White for the Disney Live production of “Three Classic Fairy Tales”. She toured with this international company for 5 1/2 years, and saw 44 countries in her travels!
What an amazing blessing her dance training has given her!
She started dancing with Miss Kathy at age 7, and stayed with the Rising Starz of Coral Springs Company until age 11 when we had to move to Tampa, FL.
She was cast in the Walt Disney World Sparkling Christmas Spectacular Show on the castle stage for the Christmas seasons of 1997 and 1998.

While in Tampa, she studied with local dance schools and performed in many theatrical productions at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, and was featured as Clara with the Florida Ballet Company in Lakeland when she was 13.

At age 18, she performed in the Summer Nights feature program at Busch Gardens, and then went off to college in Winter Park at Rolllins College, where she had the opportunity to work on weekends at Disney World as featured characters, including Snow White.
Upon graduation from Rollins, she auditioned for the Disney Live Tour and was accepted and stayed with them for 5 1/2 years!
The dance training and encouragement she received early in her dance career with Miss Kathy was the foundation of her success.
Lindsay learned to LOVE dance there and remains friends with many of the girls she met there and shared her passion with.
The opportunities she was blessed with began at age 7 when she was cast as a mouse in her first Nutcracker production….and led her to so many wonderful days with 'THE mouse' at Disney productions!
Thank you for sharing her story - there are little girls at Rising Starz today that will also experience their dream - with the guidance of Miss Kathy! Sincerely, Suzie Walden, Lindsay’s Mom and biggest fan, (still!) :)